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Echoes of the Heart: Selected Poems



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Product Description

Comprises 193 poems grouped under 125 titles in four chapters: Musings and Inspirations, Family Bliss and Camaraderie, The Vicissitudes and Scenes and Sights; Includes the author's thoughts upon nature and human development, rules of personal conduct and moral cultivation, and the wisdom and rationales behind various ways of doing things, his love for his families and friends, his loyalty to his motherland and his people and a fabulous tapestry of the landscape of China.

About the Author
Ma Kai is State Councilor and concurrently Secretary-General of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. An eminent economist and a classical-style poet, he has authored Reform: Participation and Rumination, Prices — From Central Planning to Market Regulation and a good number of other economic works. His published poem collections include the Chinese editions of Chants of a Wayfarer and Echoes of the Heart.