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Let’s Get Married on August 8th (Japanese Edition) 3A
8月8日我们结婚 日文版(3A)(外研社汉语分级读物——中文天天读)



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Product Description

Reading China is designed for Chinese learners at different levels. They can be used both as extracurricular reading material and as graded Chinese reading textbooks. There are three versions: Chinese-English, Chinese-Japanese and Chinese-Korean. The whole set is divided into five levels with each level subdivided into volume A and B. The texts are written to suit the readers' language levels, providing suitable challenges while remaining understandable. Though short, they are pragmatic and cover a large range of interesting topics written in diverse styles. Each book has a CD so that readers can appreciate genuine Chinese both by reading and listening and improve their proficiency effectively. Readers could learn a text by reading, analyzing and doing exercises. The Lead-in aims to provoke reflection; the Side notes, Illustrations, Language Points and Cultural Tips can remove understanding obstacles for learners while the Exercises deepen their understanding of the essays. In short, we are committed to providing a relaxing, interesting and efficient way to learn Chinese.

Reading China (Japanese Edition) Let's Get Married on August 8th (3A) is the 1st volume of the 3rd level of Reading China book series. The stories chosen are simple and humorous, through which international students would know about Chinese culture, history and customs. Contents of this book include: guided reading, texts, thinking, language tips, practices and knowledge tips. The guided reading is aimed to generate students’ desires and interests to learn. The text is the key part, telling interesting things heard and happened around to show cultural differences and comparison. Thinking helps students understand reading massages. Language tips help review and consolidate the new contents learned through a practical and scientific way. Forms to practice included in this book are various to provide more accurate ways for students to evaluate the result of reading. And knowledge tips are interesting and contain all kinds of things about China.


1 艾米的信 A Letter from Amy

2 咖啡应该怎么喝  How to Drink Coffee?

3 给自己的礼物 A Present for Oneself

4 “请慢用”和“以后再说”  "Help Yourself" and "Maybe Later"

5 北方和南方 The North and the South of China

6 公园的早晨 Mornings in the Park

7 别告诉我该做什么 Do Not Tell Me What to Do

8 中国美食——火锅 Chinese Delicacy—Hotpot

9 三个不同的选择 Three Different Choices

10 中国人怎么买车?How Do the Chinese Buy Cars?

11 打招呼也不同 Different Peoples, Different Greetings

12 中国的高考——考全家 College Entrance Exams in China—Testing the Whole Family

13 8月8日,我们结婚 Let's Get Married on August 8th

14 自相矛盾 The Story Behind the Phrase "Self-Contradiction"

15 中国的茶馆 Teahouse in China

16 海龟和海带 Sea Turtle and Kelp

17 神奇的老鼠 Magic Mouse

18 望京——北京的新韩国城 Wangjing—a New Korean Zone in Beijing

19 “万”字难写 Difficult to Write the Character "万"

20 不要忘了寄信! Do Not Forget to Send the Letter!

21 梨和苹果的故事 The Story of a Pear and an Apple

22 我在南京的网络生活 My life as a Netizen in Nanjing

23 胡同里走出来的明星 A Superstar from Hutongs

24 唐诗四首 Two Poems of the Tang Dynasty

25 绑在一起的翅膀 Wings Tied Together

练习答案 Answer Keys

About the Author
Writers of this book are professors of TCSL Department in Beijing Foreign Studies University. They have abundant experience in writing books and with their quick thinking, they are really creative in content design.