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The Standard Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese (3rd Edition)
现代汉语规范词典(第3 版)



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Product Description

The standard of pronunciations and graphic forms of characters is based

on the General Standard Chinese Characters Table and other standards.

Analogy simplification does not work for the characters out of the Table.

In this dictionary, there are 72,000 phrases and 80,000 examples of words

and sentences, which reflect the basic traits of modern Chinese. There

are about 5,500 hints focusing on the graphic forms, pronunciations,

meanings and usages where mistakes are easily made. Moreover, more

than 800 pairs of synonyms and polyphones can be discriminated.

The inclusion of new words or words with new meanings and usages

which have been a part of our language reflects the modern times, such

as weixin (wechat), tucao (spitslot), jiediqi (reliable), xikeliwu (PM2.5),

etc. More than 360 illustrations can help enhance readers’ interests in

learning Chinese language and characters.

About the Author
Li Xingjian, member of the advisory committee of MOE national languagecommission, and the chief editor of Modern Chinese StandardizedDictionary and other language reference books.