Two of FLTRP Titles Selected As The Key And Potential “Going Global” Books For London Book Fair

2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of ambassadorial diplomatic relations between China and the UK. As one of the important carriers of cultural exchanges, books will be displayed as the achievements of the cooperation between China and UK from multiple angles, fields and levels during London Book Fair. After strict screening, A Short History of Chinese Philosophy and Key Concepts of Chinese Thought and Culture Series published by FLTRP were selected into the 50 key and potential books of "going global", which will be displayed on the special page of "Reading China" on the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the UK and at London Book Fair.


A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy


This book is the pearl of Mr. Feng Youlan's philosophy and thought as well as a piece of famous Chinese philosophy work at home and abroad. As an academic monograph on philosophy, the work includes the elaboration on the background of Chinese philosophy, the emergence of various schools of thought to their development and changes in different historical periods, the development of Buddhism and western philosophy after they were introduced into China, and on the Chinese philosophy in modern society. It not only tells the history of the development of Chinese philosophy, but also integrates the author's unique understanding and thinking which are full of wisdom of life and insight of a philosopher. Written in English, this book is a general textbook for Chinese philosophy majors and an introduction to Chinese culture.



Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture Series


This series contains 900 Chinese ideological and cultural terms which reflect the characteristics of Chinese traditional culture and national way of thinking, as well as the core values of China. The authors and compilers interpret the terms objectively and accurately in concise language that is easy to express and communicate orally. This series aims to help western academic circles improve their understanding of Chinese philosophy, history, literature, art and translation. All terms are interpreted bilingually in Chinese and English with citations to understand their meaning and usage in Chinese history. This series is one of the achievements of the "Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture-Translation and Communication Project". Authoritative experts are invited to establish advisory committee, expert committee and academic committee to formulate the selection, interpretation and translation rules of Chinese ideological and cultural terms and carry out relevant work. At the same time, reputed sinologists are invited to participate in the review work of English translation of this series as well.



Link for London Book Fair "going global" key and potential books display (50 kinds) catalogue list and other details:
